Senin, 02 Januari 2017

The Concept Of Cosmology


            All praise be to Allah the lord of the world  the king of the king the creator of everything who has given us mercy and blessy, his grace and guidance, the authority  can finish this paper, to fulfill the duty of religious education courses

On this happy occasion also, the authors express our appreciation and gratitude to Drs. Mulyadi Erman, MA. as a lecturer of the course Education Of Religion, on the motivation and the opportunity that has been given to the author for the preparation of this paper. With the support, encouragement and contribution in the preparation of this paper.

            The author realizes that no man is perfect as well in preparing this paper are far from perfection, for the authors are expecting criticism and constructive suggestions in order to perfect this paper. Authors hope this simple paper can be useful for writers in particular and for readers in general. With the accompaniment of prayer may God continue to bless our steps and bless the struggle  studying the sciences that we already have. Amien.

  1. Background
The terminology, the creation of nature can be understood as an event when the universe or the universe and everything in it is appearing and mengad. Speaking about the universe, certainly in our minds as an ordinary man raised a question of how the universe is so big and the endless originated, where he headed how the law is to maintain order and balance work. The universe exists as we know it today is not without a process, however, the universe exists because it is created and through such a long process.

            Formation of the universe into a puzzle that concern for mankind. As far as the development of the theory of the formation of the universe, no one can prove empirically verified. This is because the human being is relative to the universe. Man is something very new in the universe. So although man painstakingly searching how the formation of the universe is often hindered vision limitations. Limitations of this view is closely tied with the a priori knowledge of human beings. This causes that the view of the universe is difficult verifiable by experience.

            The progress of human thinking led scientists to formulate a theory about the formation of the universe. How scientists conception of the creation of the universe? The conception of change throughout history, bergantungpada level of sophistication of the tools and means of observations, and depending on the level of progress of physics itself.

            We have a lot to know that there are many theories that developed concerning the establishment or the creation of the universe. For hundreds of years scientists and thinkers have done a lot of research about how the creation of the universe and only reveal little theory. The idea is common in the 19th century was the notion of the materialists, stating the universe is a collection of materials with infinite size that has existed since time immemorial and will continue to exist forever as usual is still not changed at all. Besides setting the rationale for the materialist ideology that the universe is no beginning and no end, this view also denies the existence of the creator (God).
  1. Formulation Of The Problems
1. What is the definition of cosmology? Explain !
2. What is the origin of the universe created?
3. How materialistic view of the universe?
4. What is the evidence that God is the creator of the universe?
5. What is the relationship between the big bang theory with holy book ?
  1. Purpose
1. Knowing the definitions and explanations of cosmology
2. Knowing how the origin of the creation of the universe
3. Knowing the materialistic view of the universe
4. Knowing the proof that God is who created the universe
5. Knowing the relationship between the big bang theory with holy book

a. Definition Of  Cosmology
            Cosmology is derived from the Greek word "cosmos" and "logos" meaning. Cosmos arrangement, or arrangement good or logos the world universe means science. Simply put, cosmology is the science of the universe.
In the Great Dictionary of Indonesian, Cosmology is a science that examines the origins, structure, ties of space-time in the universe. Studies about the origin of the world, to do with the solar system and the universe. In metaphysics investigate the universe as a system of uniform.
One of the most amazing characteristics of the universe is order. The human mind since the first catch this order. The rising and setting sun, the circulation of the planets and the arrangement of the stars who regularly shifts from night to night since the first human realize the existence in the universe, only a simple examples. Science itself only became possible because of the regularity which is then reworded through the laws of mathematics.
In modern usage by scientists, cosmology is a branch of science that seeks to understand the structure of space-time and the universe of large-scale composition by using methods of natural science. This means cosmology utilize detailed observations to obtain data and utilizing physics theories to interpret the data, and the use of mathematical reasoning or logical reasoning contained in any such theories to gain full knowledge of the physical universe.

            Cosmology is not astronomical divide the entire universe into galaxies, stars, planets, moons, and examine them one by one. Cosmology combines all the branches and twigs of the tree of knowledge to obtain a comprehensive picture of the universe. Cosmology examines space and time, investigate the origin of all natural filler material, learn important cosmic events, including the origin of life and the possibility of the development of intelligence. Problems faced by modern cosmologists is to unite the properties of the observable universe to obtain models of the universe that will define the structure and evolution. Model Universe facilities built into humans to get a picture of the universe is so vast. This model is formed by relying on empirical data and theories of physics. The model of the universe was constantly tested. The results of new observations or new theories will change the model of the universe over time
b.   The Origin of Universe
                In 1929, at the California Mount Wilson observatory, an American astronomer, Edwin Hubble made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of astronomy. When observing stars with a giant telescope, he discovered that they emit red light according to the distance. This means that the stars were "moving away" from us. Because, according to the laws of physics, the spectrum of the light source is moving closer to the observer tends to purple, while observers tend to stay away from red. During observations by Hubble, the light from stars tends to red color. This means that these stars are constantly moving away from us.
Before long, Hubble made another very important discovery. Stars and galaxies moved away not only from us, but also from one another. The only thing that can be inferred from a universe where everything moves away from one another is that it constantly "expands".

            To make it easier to understand, the universe can be likened to the surface of a balloon being inflated. As the points on the surface of balloons that move away from each other when the balloon to dilate, objects in space that are moving away from one another when the universe was expanding.

            In fact, this had been theoretically discovered even earlier. Albert Einstein, who is recognized as the greatest scientist of the 20th century, the calculations he made in theoretical physics, has concluded that the universe could not be static. But he laid his discovery, just so as not to conflict with the static universe model widely recognized that time. Later, Einstein realized his act as 'the greatest mistake of his career'.

            What is the meaning of the expansion of the universe? Expansion of the universe means that if the universe can move backward into the past, then it will prove to originate from a single point. The calculations showed that this 'single point' that harbo ression used for descriptive purposes. Science can define the concept of 'absence', which is beyond the limits of human understanding, only to declare it as a 'point of zero volume'. Actually, 'a point with no volume' means 'nothing'. Thus the universe came into existence from nothing. In other words, he has created. The fact that the universe was created, new-found modern physics in the 20th century, has been stated in the Qur'an 14 centuries ago: "He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth" (QS. Al-An'am, 6: 101)

            Big Bang Theory shows that all things in the universe at the beginning of one piece and then were parted. This means that the whole matter is created by the Big Bang or the gigantic explosion of a single point, and forming of the universe with the way the separation of one from the all the matter of the universe should have 'zero volume' and 'infinite density'. The universe was formed by the explosion of this single point of zero volume.

            Great explosion that marked the beginning of the universe is called 'Big Bang' and the theory known by that name. Be stated that 'zero volume' is a theoretical expression used for descriptive purposes. Science can define the concept of 'absence', which is beyond the limits of human understanding, only to declare it as a 'point of zero volume'. Actually, 'a point with no volume' means 'nothing'. Thus the universe came into existence from nothing. In other words, he has created. The fact that the universe was created, new-found modern physics in the 20th century, has been stated in the Qur'an 14 centuries ago: "He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth" (QS. Al-An'am, 6: 101).

            Big Bang Theory shows that all things in the universe at the beginning of one piece and then were parted. This means that the whole matter is created by the Big Bang or the gigantic explosion of a single point, and forming of the universe with the way the separation of one from the other.
c.       Materialistic view about of universe
                Materialism is a system of thought that believes the material as the sole existence of absolute and denies the existence of anything but matter. Rooted in ancient Greek culture, and gain widespread acceptance in the 19th century, this system of thought became famous in the familiar form of dialectic materialism of Karl Marx.

            Adherents believe materalisme infinite universe model as the basis of their atheism rests. For example, in his book Principes Fondamentaux de Philosophie, the materialist philosopher George Politzer said that "the universe is not something invented" and added: "If it was created, it was certainly created by God instantaneously and from nothingness".

            When Politzer argued that the universe was not created out of nothing, it rests on a static universe model of the 19th century, and considers himself being put forward a scientific statement. However, science and technology developed in the 20th century ultimately destroyed the ancient idea called materialism.
Big Bang is a real hint that the universe was 'created from nothing', in other words it was created by God. For this reason, astronomers believe the materialist philosophy always rejected the idea of ​​the Big Bang and maintain an infinite universe. The reason for this rejection was revealed in the words of Arthur Eddington, a renowned materialist physicist who said: "Philosophically, the notion of sudden onset of the order of Nature that exist today are truly repugnant to me".

            Another materialist, a leading British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle was among the most bothered by the Big Bang theory. In the mid-20th century, Hoyle proposed a theory called the steady-state similar to the theory of 'the universe remains' in the 19th century the steady-state theory states that the universe is infinite and eternal sized all time. With the aim of maintaining the materialist philosophy, this theory was totally at odds with the Big Bang theory, which says that the universe had a beginning. Those who maintain the steady-state theory has long opposed the Big Bang theory. However, the science it is undermining their views.

            In 1948, Gerge Gamov up with another idea concerning the Big Bang. He said that after the formation of the universe through a giant explosion, residual radiation left by this explosion should have existed in nature. Moreover, this radiation should be spread evenly in all corners of the universe. Evidence that 'there should be' is eventually found. In 1965, two researchers named Arno

            Penziaz and Robert Wilson discovered these waves accidentally. This radiation, called "cosmic background radiation ', did not seem to radiate from a particular source, but covers the entire space. Thus, it is known that this radiation is radiation leftover relic from the early stages of the Big Bang. Penzias and Wilson were awarded the Nobel prize for their discovery.

            In 1989, NASA sent the Cosmic Background Explorer satellite. COBE into space to do research on cosmic background radiation. Only need 8 minutes for COBE to prove calculations Penziaz and Wilson. COBE had found the remains gigantic explosions that have occurred in the early formation of the universe. Expressed as the greatest astronomical discovery of all time, the present invention clearly prove the Big Bang theory.

            Another important evidence for the Big Bang was the amount of hydrogen and helium in space. In various studies, it is known that the hydrogen-helium concentration in the universe consistent with theoretical calculations of the hydrogen-helium concentration remaining relics of the Big Bang. If the universe had no beginning and if it had existed from time immemorial, the element hydrogen is supposed to be completely discharged and turned into helium.

            All this convincing evidence caused the Big Bang theory is accepted by the scientific community. Big Bang model is the last point that achieved knowledge about the origin of the universe. That is, the universe was created by Allah the Mighty with flawless:

            Who created the seven heavens in layers. You never look at the creation of the Merciful something that is not balanced. Lihtatlah then repeated, is there you see something that is not balanced. (QS. Al-Mulk, 67: 3)

d.      Allah is The Creator of Universe
Islam is built on top of the base, which is faith. Creed explains that behind the universe, human beings, and life, there is a Creator (Al-Khaliq) which had then to create three, and who has then to create everything else. He is Allah SWT. That the Creator has created everything from nothing into being. He is wajibul form, mandatory presence. Because, if not, does that mean He is not capable of being Khaliq. He is not a creature, because of the nature of his Creator Himself ensure that not a creature. Definitely also that He is the absolute, because everything relies form or existence to himself; while he does not rely on anything.

            Proof that everything requires a Creator who created it, can be explained as follows: that everything that can be reached by the mind is divided into three elements, namely human beings, the universe, and life. These three elements is limited, weak, underprivileged, and need each other to one another. For example a human. Limited human nature, as he grows and develops to a degree that can not be dilampuinya again. This indicates that humans are limited. Likewise, the life, is limited, because its appearance is individual. What we are witnessing always show that life is ending on a single individual. So, life is also limited. Similarly, the universe has a finite nature. The universe is the set of celestial bodies, which each object has its limitations. The set of all finite, limited of course also in character. So, the universe was to be limited. As a result, human, life, and the universe, the trio is limited.

            If we look at everything that is limited, we conclude that it is not azali. If it is azali (no beginning and no end), certainly does have its limitations. Thus any finite must have been created by "something else". "Something else" is called Al-Khaliq. He created the human being, life, and the universe. In determining the existence of this Creator we will find three possibilities. First, he created by others. Second, he created himself. Third, he is azali and wajibul form. The first possibility is that he was created by others is the possibility of a false, unacceptable by reason. Because, if so, he would be limited. Similarly, the second possibility, stating that he created himself. This would mean that He is a creature and the Creator and at the same time. It is clearly unacceptable. Therefore, Al-Khaliq should be azali and wajibul form. He is Allah SWT.

            Anyone who has the sense to be able to prove -only with objects that can be diinderanya- that behind the objects there must be a Creator who created it. The facts show that all the objects that are underprivileged, very weak, and need each other. It represents everything that there is only a creature. So to prove the existence of Al-Khaliq The Supreme Governing, is actually quite simply by directing the attention of man to the objects in the universe, the phenomenon of life, and man himself. By observing one of the planet in the universe, or by contemplating the phenomenon of life, or examine one part of human beings, we will find real and convincing evidence of the existence of Allah.

            Therefore, in the Qur’an there is a call to distract humans to objects that exist, as she took her took part in monitoring and focus attention on the objects and everything around him, or in connection therewith, in order to prove the existence of God SWT. By observing these objects, how each other need each other, will provide an understanding of convincing and certainly, the existence of God the Creator, the Most organizer. Al-Quran has revealed hundreds of verses in this regard, among others, the words of Allah:

إن في خلق السماوات والأرض واختلاف الليل والنهار لآيات لأولي الألباب
"Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are signs (v) for men of understanding" (QS. Ali 'Imron [3]: 190).

e.       Relation  Between Big Bang theory with the Holy Book
The word comes from the Big Bang English meaning big bang. The point is instantaneous explosion that gave birth to the universe. In science, the Big Bang is believed to be the theory of creation of the universe. The Big Bang Theory is a scientific theory that explains the development and shape of the early universe. The Big Bang occurred about 14 billion years ago. In the beginning, the universe is a collection of extraordinary energy of compressed inside a tiny room. But in the universe a split second widespread. From a small space into a larger space than a galaxy. From here it is known that the universe was created in the blink of an eye; in too short a time to be counted.
            In essence, an explosion will cause terlontarnya constituent material things that explode at random. But the Big Bang was not the case. These materials even arranged neatly. Even these materials form the planets, stars and galaxies which look stunning arrangement. Fred Hoyle, a challenger to the Big Bang theory expressed his surprise about this order:
            "Big Bang Theory states the universe began with a single explosion. However, as can be seen below, an explosion merely throws matter apart at random, but the big bang has mysteriously produced the opposite effect- with matter clumping together in the form of galaxies ".
            That the matter after the Big Bang formed a neat and orderly arrangement was remarkable. This shows that everything that happens in the universe is the will of Allah. God has revealed in (QS. Al-Furqan 25: 2)
"That belongs to Him dominion of the heavens and the earth, and He does not have children, and there is no ally for him in power (Him), and He has created everything, and He determined it most exactly" (QS. Al- Furqan, 25: 2)
            The existence of the Big Bang theory of creation of the universe is not only evidenced by the side of science, but also evidenced in Islam, which has been mentioned in the Qur'an Surah Al-Anbiya verse 30 Allah says:

"And if those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them. And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe "(QS. Al-Anbiya: 30)

            Truth is believed by religious sources is one of the facts that the universe was created from nothing. From here we can see that what marvelous Qur'an has mentioned the origin of the universe 14 centuries ago. Though this new theory believed by scientists of the 20th century.
            Through this verse Allah has been proven in humans that the universe is indeed nothing is created and controls, so that everything can run as it should.

  1. Conclusion
            Cosmology is the science of the Universe is a science of the cosmos (cosmos) or universe. The term is intended to the whole universe pangada or all beings, created from atoms, molecules, metal rock, gas, plant, animal, solar system (the Sun) and all other existing.
                Materialism is a system of thought that emphasizes that the matter is an absolute existence and denies the existence of anything but matter. This model states that the universe was not created, but has existed and will exist forever. The universe is considered stable, constant and does not change substance. The idea developed by materialism is that we do not need to believe in the creation of the universe.
            Materialist argument states that the universe had
infinite-dimensional, has no beginning, and will be forever.
The universe has no beginning or end. Materialism does not recognize
that there is something behind the material, which denies the existence of the creation process.
            The universe was born of an explosion known as the Big Bang (the big bang). The theory that explains the development and initial shape of the universe known as the Big Bang theory.
            Big Bang theory as a theory of creation of the universe is not only evidenced by the side of science, but also evidenced in the Islamic side. Allah has mentioned in the Qur'an. Al-Anbiya, 21:30. From here we can see one of the wonders of the Quran which was revealed 14 centuries ago that have been mentioned this theory even though at that time there has been no sophisticated technology now.
  1. Suggestion
1. For the students: more depth to the various fields of science and realize that everything in the world is a creation of Allah SWT.
2. For the general public: examining the presence of science in the Al-qura’n because the Al-qur’an is also an excellent source of knowledge.

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